Over the past few decades, we have seen a significant increase in lake & pond degradation. From unsightly algae, to toxic blue-green algae blooms, more and more lakes and ponds are turning people and wildlife away to prevent negative effects.
We have identified the root cause of eutrophication and address it directly through natural, microbial processes. Instead of applying chemicals and masking the issue, we restore bodies of water to a healthy, balanced state.
What is Eutrophication?
Eutrophication occurs when a body of water experiences an influx of excess nutrients, primarily nitrogen and phosphorus. These nutrients disrupt the balance of the aquatic ecosystem and lead to aggressive algae growth. Agricultural inputs, synthetic fertilizers, and improper waste disposal, are all ways of introducing excess amounts of nutrients into a body of water.
"Nutrients from manure and fertilizers enter lakes and streams through runoff and soil erosion. Generally, when soil-test nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) increase, greater amounts of plant-available N and P move with water. Runoff water from fields with high soil-test N and P may contain a high level of these dissolved nutrients, increasing the risk of contaminating streams, wetlands and lakes.
In addition, erosion carries fine particles of soil that are enriched with nutrients. Eroded soil particles with attached nutrients will accumulate as sediment in water resources and serve as a source of available nutrients during long periods of time.
Oxygen Depletion
When manure or commercial fertilizers enter surface water, the nutrients they release stimulate microorganism growth. The growth and reproduction of microorganisms reduce the dissolved oxygen content of the water body.
Without sufficient dissolved oxygen in surface water, fish and other aquatic species suffocate. The resulting dead fish and other aquatic species and organic matter degrade the water quality and cause unpleasant odours.

Above, storm pond in the City of Calgary
Weed Growth and Algae
The number of plants and algae in a lake, pond or other water body increase with an increased supply of nutrients, particularly N and P. N and P are present in manure in sufficient quantity to be used as fertilizer for crop growth and will have a similar effect on algae and aquatic plants. As with crops, nutrient availability is the critical factor in the growth of aquatic plants and algae.
Introduction of even small amounts of the limiting nutrient to crops or aquatic systems can increase production substantially. In the case of agricultural crops, this is a good thing.
However, increased production of aquatic plants and algae is not healthy for bodies of water.
Any increase in the amount of aquatic plant growth ultimately will result in a reduced dissolved oxygen content of the water body, eventually suffocating fish and other aquatic species."
AdvancedWater Proven Solutions
AdvancedWater has been able to treat lakes and storm ponds successfully and effectively, reducing nutrients in the ponds in a very short period of time. Take a look at what we were able to do on the very same storm pond as the picture above:
Below, storm pond in the City of Calgary

The above photo is after only a few months of consistent treatment with natural bacteria. Treatment from this stage would further address aquatic weed growth and sludge, and eventually become a maintenance program. These results have enabled AdvancedWater to work with lake associations and municipalities to treat problematic bodies of water all across North America.
This solves eutrophic conditions, yes. But does it PREVENT future nutrient loading? Not if residents continue to use synthetic fertilizers on their yards. Many municipalities use fertilizers on their parks, soccer fields and green strips and farmers need to use fertilizer for crop production. After all, what other options are there?
What if you could use natural, organic soil bacteria to promote plant growth and significantly reduce (or eliminate) fertilizer use? What if these bacteria species were also healthy for aquatic ecosystems?
Check out these results using AdvancedWater bacteria:
Lake-front residents can treat their yards without worrying about the negative impacts of leaching from synthetic chemicals. Parks, gardens, golf courses near or within city limits can use this bacteria to rapidly increase turf health, while keeping harmful nutrients away from bodies of water.
These bacteria take what's in the soil and convert nutrients that wouldn't otherwise be plant available, into an available form. This is a sustainable and environmentally conscious solution to traditional heavy nutrient loading from synthetic chemical use.
The solution to eutrophication and effective water management exist. The technology is proven, and the AdvancedWater team works synergistically with nature to ensure long-term results.