Looking back to the year 2001...
AdvancedAg was called Advanced Water Technologies Inc., and the focus of the company was to treat wastewater and smaller bodies of water using bacteria that was extremely efficient at breaking down solids and reducing odours. The bacteria were so efficient, that many major municipal wastewater operations such as the City of Pittsburgh were using them with great success.
Today, AdvancedAg still uses their sludge digesting bacteria to treat many municipal sewage lagoons such as the one below.
This award-winning biotechnology is NOW AVAILABLE for smaller applications such as septic tanks, outdoor bathrooms and RV's.
We all know the issues associated with septic systems: clogging, terrible odour and capacity are the ones that come to mind right away.
FLUSH can take care of all of these issues in a very short period of time.

Septic Tanks
Reality is, most people forget about their septic tank until it is time for it to be pumped out. Pumping can cost an average between $100 to $300 each time and a pump out can occur every 1 to 3 years.
The hungry bacteria in FLUSH digest sludge at a maximum rate, restoring any septic tank to peak efficiency. This means that the pump out rate, especially in sluggish tanks will be dramatically reduced, saving you money.
FLUSH will also purge the drain field of organic blockages. This is like a pump out of your drain field, without the cost of excavation and replacement. The purging of the drain field means less puddling, reduced odours and free flow through your system. Using FLUSH gives you the benefit of a pump out, at a small fraction of the cost!
Is there anything worse than getting towards the end of your camping trip and your septic system in your camper or RV is full? The smell and knowing you have to limit the times you use the bathroom....
We have a quart sized version of FLUSH to solve all of these issues.

One quart should be perfect for an entire year or two of camping!
Tips and Tricks for Best Results
Shake before using.
FLUSH is unique in that it will knock down the sulfide odours throughout your septic system. Use Septic Medic regularly according to directions, and that rotten egg smell will be a thing of the past.
Simply pour FLUSH into your toilet, sink, or any other drain feeding into your septic system. FLUSH will consume sludge, unclog drain fields, restore efficiency to sluggish tanks, reduce pumping frequency, and will significantly reduce sulfide odour.
Dose 8 to 16 ounces of FLUSH per 500 gallon volume. For best results, use one quart of Septic Medic every 60 to 90 days to insure proper septic operations.
If you are dealing with a severe problem, treat weekly until the issue goes away.
Do not allow FLUSH to freeze. .
FLUSH will unclog grease, fat, and other organic wastes that may be blocking your drain field, or that result or poor drainage and puddling problems. However, FLUSH will not destroy roots that have invaded the drain field. If roots have blocked your drain field, consult your local professional septic tank expert for advice.
"My family and I moved to the mountains of Utah from Southern California and had no experience with septic tanks or their proper care. After a few years (and even after a pumping), the smell of rotten eggs was overpowering in our front yard. We tried the so-called septic maintenance products available in our supermarket, but nothing worked. We were at our wits' end and after doing internet research we became certain we were in for a $10,000+ bill from a septic maintenance company. Then I found FLUSH. What I was told sounded too good to be true, but I was willing to try anything. It has now been about three months since we started using FLUSH, and the results have been incredible. The rotten egg smell is gone, even after periods of heavy rain, snowfall, and snow melt. In the past, I cringed every time it started to snow because I knew I'd have to endure the stench of our septic tank. Now, I delight in every snowstorm and all I think about is how soon I can get my skis and head to the slopes. Thank you, for getting my septic system working properly again."
- David Bernstein
"My customers purchase about 200 cases a year of FLUSH. The product is very effective in eliminating sulfide odours, digesting sludge, and really keeps the tanks working great. I strongly recommend this product to anyone selling plumbing supplies."
- Mike Murphy, Central Florida Septic
"I have used every product out there, and FLUSH is the best. Not only does it handle normal septic problems with ease, but it also is tremendous in breaking down grease and fats. I have used it personally to breakdown Volkswagens-full of grease. This is a great product."
- Chris Nelson, Morrow and Son’s
"I love this product. Just above my backyard deck, I have a vent which used to disturb my dinner guests. With your product, the odours are finally gone. It is really a great product for stopping foul septic odours!"
- Leroy Hutchinson
"I have to admit, the product really works. It breaks down odours, grease and sludge like nothing else."
- John, Owner, Norm’s Sanitation
"Your product really performs as advertised. It works fantastic in septic tanks and in outdoor sludge pits and portable toilets. I have carried this product for years and will never offer my customers anything else. Thank you for making a septic additive that really works."
- Jerry Brown, Owner, B-3 Enterprises
"When you first offered me this product, I used it first in my own septic tank. I was amazed, as the tank went from needing a good pump-out down to pristine shape. All within about 6 weeks. This is the best sludge product I have seen in 30 years of business. I don’t use or sell any other product."
- Jim Cye, Greene’s Sanitary Svc.